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Together we can make anythings !!

What is MasterBot ?

MasterBot is a web platform which will allow you to invest without a big amount on several

MasterNode of CryptoCurrency like Dash, Neo, Crown, etc.

But what is a MasterNode in the Crypto-World ?
A MasterNode is simply an amount of cryptocurrency needed to protect the network of the cryptocurrency, then like a proof of work we can pretend to reward. (like mining for bitcoin)

Problems about MasterNode in our opinions are:
- a MasterNode can be really expansive for a personal investor
- the configuration of a master node wallet can be difficult for beginners
- At this time MasterNode are not known enough and very well documented.

Advantages of using a master node with MasterBot platform are:
- No skill required
- No  personal device for the wallet needed
- No configurations needed
- Easy to withdraw  your cryptocurrencies
- Easy and Fast to cash out
- The possibility to change cryptocurrency MasterNode safety
- Allowed to get reward on big master node.

The only requirement for our platform is to register on our platform, sending cryptocurrencies which you want to invest into master node and then making money. The main idea of this project is  "Together we can make anythings !! ».

We have a team of 3 Members, all in Master Degree: 2 developers and 1 hardware specialist
You can find more informations on theses links:

- Dash master node explanations: http://dashmasternode.org/what-is-a-masternode/

- security of network explanations: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proof-of-stake

- list of master node actually available and their reward: https://masternodes.online

We need your opinion about our project. We'll start the development soon and hope to show you a first version of the platform as soon as possible.

Masternode Schema